Guile Heroes Wiki

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Guile Heroes Wiki

No doubt about it, Spike. There's definitely something strange going on at that school...
~ Twilight Sparkle finds out about the magic on Canterlot Highschool.
I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time.
~ Twilight Sparkle desires to stay at Canterlot Highschool.

Twilight Sparkle, also known as Sci-Twi, is one of the main protagonists of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. She first appears on the movie, "My Little Pony: Rainbow Rocks," where she confirms the existence of magic on Canterlot Highschool. At "My Little Pony: The Friendship Games," she participates in the Friendship Games with her Crystal Prep classmates to compete against the students of Canterlot Highchool. While playing games, Twilight Sparkle takes the time to investigate the magic of Canterlot Highschool with a device she had invented.

What Makes Her A Guile Hero?[]

Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks[]

  • Noticed the high magical levels on Canterlot High.

Equestria Girls: Friendship Games[]

  • Went to Canterlot High and analyzed the statue portal with a device.
  • Escaped Sunset Shimmer and had gotten away by taking the bus.
  • Created a device to track down and contain that magic on Canterlot High.
  • Studies to get into the Everton Independent Study Program.
  • Competed in the Friendship Games to gain Principal Cinch's approval in getting into the Everton Independent Study Program.
  • Managed to get her device to absorb the magic of Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity.
  • Beaten Sunset Shimmer in a math game of the Friendship Games.
  • Played with Fluttershy and her animals to ease her worries about the Friendship Games.
  • Apologized to Sunset Shimmer after being freed from the overwhelming magic that had transformed her into Midnight Sparkle.
  • Wanted to stay on Canterlot High to learn more about friendship.

Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree[]

  • Warned Gloriosa Daisy about the magical stones potentially overwhelming her mind.
  • Using her magic to move a rock, so that she and Sunset Shimmer can escape a cave.
  • Learned to overcame her fear of magic and Midnight Sparkle with Sunset Shimmer's help.
  • She and her friends held a "Crystal Ball" fundraiser to gain the money to prevent Camp Everfree from being sold to Filthy Rich.

External Links[]


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Friendship is Magic
Twilight Sparkle | Spike | Rarity | Starlight Glimmer | Princess Celestia | Princess Luna | Star Swirl the Bearded | Sunburst | Daring Do | Zecora | Clover the Clever

Equestria Girls
Twilight Sparkle | Sunset Shimmer | Clover the Clever

Twilight Sparkle | Spike | Rarity | Princess Celestia | Princess Luna | Starlight Glimmer | Capper

