Guile Heroes Wiki

Hello. Welcome to the Guile Heroes Wiki. A site dedicated to Heroes of immense intelligence to solve all their problems. You may edit the site, but if you are really interested in becoming a member, consider opening a fandom account today.


Guile Heroes Wiki

Guile Heroes are intelligent heroes who use their brain to save the day.


  • Needless to say that a Guile Hero must be a hero. They can't be a full-scale villain.
    • Despite that, they can be Inconsistently Heinous but keep in mind that they can't be full-scale villains and even if they were; they need to have redeemed themselves so that they can no longer be considered full-scale villains.
  • They need to stand out intelligence-wise in the work they come from.
  • Remember that, while Guile Heroes are less evil than Magnificent Baddies, Guile Heroes may still be manipulative, but they will only manipulate the villains without putting innocents at risk. They can still however endanger innocents but only very few times or for a good reason.
    • However, it's important to note that GHs aren't necessarily manipulative. They might just be incredibly smart.
    • Guile Heroes can also endanger many innocents without remorse if redeeming themselves afterwards.
  • A hero can start as a non-Guile Hero and obtain the qualities to become one later in the story.
  • While charm can help their case, Guile Heroes doesn't really need to be charismatic since their intelligence is more important. In fact, a Guile Hero can be a coward, petty or overall unlikeable.
    • They can even be Heroic Xenophobes, although in that case they mustn't be villains. Their case is helped if their xenophobia is somehow justified.
  • While Guile Heroes are pretty much the heroic counterpart of Magnificent Baddies, the two don't exclude each other and a hero can in fact be both. An example is a hero who might be willing to sometimes manipulate their own teammates or a villain who started out as a Magnificent Baddie and then redeemed themselves while still keeping their intelligent but now-less-evil methods.
  • Characters who come from NSFW content (such as pornography) are disallowed here.
    • Characters from propaganda works are disallowed too.
  • Aside from Partners in Training (2-4 heroes working together), bigger groups can also collectively count, but with certain conditions:
    • If a group is composed by heroes with distinct personalities, then the maximum limit is 6 members since if they're more than 6 they can't stand out intelligence-wise.
    • If a group is composed by heroes whose personalities are identical to each other, then any number will be allowed since it's like talking about a single character.


Categories that would fit the character all of the time

Special Cases that can apply for Guile Heroes

  • Geniuses: Geniuses can easily qualify as Guile Heroes due to the fact that they're easily the smartest character of their own series.
  • Anti-Heroes: As long as they're not full-scale villains, anti-heroes can qualify for Guile Heroes even if they are petty.
  • On & Off: On & Off can qualify as long as they're not full-scale villains.
  • Redeemed Villains: Being a redeemed villain would greatly help their status.
  • Fighters: Showing off fighting skills against villains would greatly help their status.
  • Honorable: If they show respect to their enemies, they can qualify.
  • Insecure: Guile Heroes doesn't necessarily need to be confident, as long as they are intelligent enough to count.
  • In Love: Having a love interest greatly helps their status.
  • Successful: If a hero succeeds in most of their goals, they can qualify as Guile Heroes.
  • One-Man Armies: Being the bravest would greatly help their status as it is likely they succeed in stopping their foes at all or most times.
  • Cowards: As long as they do something heroic enough, they can count.
  • Protectors/Protectors of Innocence: Being protectors easily make them Guile Heroes.
  • Magnificent Baddies: Guile Heroes can also infact become Magnificent Baddies if Magnificent Baddies are also known to be the heroes of their own franchise.
  • Doctors and Scientists: Just like geniuses, doctors and scientists are well known to be the most smartest characters of their own franchise.
  • Inventors: Being excellent at inventing would help well with their intelligence and competence.
  • Heroic Xenophobes: As long as they are not villains (due to the fact they easily became full-scale villains), they can count.
  • Fallen: While they later became villains, this is not where to the point they become full-scale villains. However, it should be treated with extreme caution as some villains will end up too heinous to qualify for the category, making them full-scale villains.

Categories that can't qualify for Guile Heroes

  • Pure Evil/Near Pure Evil: They're too much of full-scale villains.
  • Dimwits/Incompetents: Guile Heroes needs to be smart enough.
  • Rapists: Way too obvious why they don't qualify.

Proposals template

  • What's the work?
  • Who's the candidate? What makes them Guile?
  • Final verdict?

Removals template

  • What's the work?
  • Who's the candidate? Why don't they count?
  • Final verdict?